Come Lord Jesus // Mary Swafford

Can I get real with you girls?  I mean, REALLY real?  Writing this blog has kicked my tail.  It’s been so difficult for me to get started.  I know it’s what God wants me to write about, but it’s been; So. Very. Hard. 

I’ve read countless commentary over the book of Habakkuk and I’ve completed at least 4 bible study plans on it.  Twice each.   I downloaded my favorite ones again, just to help me get started tonight.  I’ve prayed and thought about it and prayed and thought about it and prayed and thought about it some more.  And then I giggled.  Isn’t that so fitting for the book of Habakkuk, that I would be praying and waiting and praying and waiting.  Hahahahaha  Just like the prophet himself.  God has such a sense of humor.

“How long, Lord, must I cry to you, and you do not listen?” - Habakkuk 1:1

I haven’t prayed this EXACT prayer, but I feel it in my soul.  

Recently we talked about the beauty of “hindsight”.  A gift that God gives us once he has delivered us from something into something new.  We’re able to look back and see where God intervened and directed our steps and carried us all the way, even when we couldn’t feel him or see him working in the moment.

At our leadership team meeting today for Shaken & Stirred we talked about “seasons”.  We are all in some kind of season or another.  Some of us are entering new seasons and others are coming out of seasons.  Some of these seasons bring freedom through Christ Jesus and deliverance from our circumstances.  Some of these seasons are periods of preparation for when, where and how God will use us in the future.  Still others are seasons of dark, heavy, burdensome fears, trials, worry and doubt.

You’ve heard it said, it’s easy to praise God from the mountain top.  It’s true.  When things are going your way, it’s easy to see and feel the goodness of God.  But have you ever found yourself in a place where you have asked God; how long, Lord, must I cry to you, and you do not listen?

Have you been in that desperate place in the quiet of your private conversations and thoughts and wondered the same?  Maybe you’ve been betrayed, or your heart has been broken.  Maybe your marriage has ended or another relationship torn apart.  Maybe your sweet child is hurting and sick and everything you’ve tried has failed.  And you wonder, why Lord?  How long, Lord?  And no matter what, God feels far away and the answers you’re seeking remain hidden.

I’ve cried out to God for so long, in my own desperation, that eventually I had no new words to say and nothing new to ask God for.  I found myself telling God, Lord you know my heart.  I don’t even know what to pray anymore, so God, just give me you.  Come into this space where I am, and give me more of you Lord.  I give myself to you.

Habakkuk faced his pain by crying out to God.  He didn’t turn his back on God but faced Him with the full force of his pain.

“How long, Lord, must I cry to you, and you do not listen?” - Habakkuk 1:1

Habakkuk knew that he couldn’t live without God, so he held on to Him with ruthless trust until God answered.  He continued to ask God, because he believed God was the answer.  Not just that he thought God HAD an answer, but God IS the answer!  Amen!

When we seek God in intimate conversation and prayer and when we seek God’s presence through reading daily His word, we find Him and he brings peace.  God is our peace in spite of and in the midst of our trouble.

When you believe this of the Lord, you can change your prayer from that of how long, Lord to;

“Hear me as I pray, O Lord.  Be merciful and answer me!  My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.”  And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” - Psalm 27:7-8

Take some time to think about the cries of your heart.  What are some ways that you are talking to God about your pain?  What questions do you have for him?  Don’t be afraid to share the deepest corners of your heart with the One who created your innermost being.  He knows what’s there already and longs to hear you say it.

Exchange your how long, Lord for Come Lord, Jesus!