Mr. Golden Sun // Heather Dillingham

What do you think of when you think of the word ‘SHINE’?

Maybe it’s the two little children in my house but for me, I instantly think of the song Mr. Golden Sun.

You know the one…

“Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun, please shine down on me.’

Please don’t hate me. I just didn’t want to be the only one with it stuck in my head.

In the song, the children want to go and play, but they can’t because the sun is hiding. Their happiness rests on the perception of where the sun is.

We know that the sun isn’t actually gone. Things move in its way or the earth rotates to where we can’t see it, but it’s still always there. A constant in the sky.

And maybe the children in the song know that too, but it doesn’t change the outcome. Just like it doesn’t for us.

Bright days make most of us happy, while cloudy days bring an air of gloom. Even though, both days the sun is the same. A constant in the sky.

It’s everything swirling around us or blocking our view that changes how we see it.

The same can be said for The Son. The constant.

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

How many times have we allowed what is swirling around or blocking our view to blind us to the fact that the Son is still in the sky? Still a constant.

Instead, we look up, see the clouds, and rest on the perception that our day, season, or even our entire lives are filled with darkness and all we can do is cry out, “Please shine down on me.”

We forget that the Son isn’t hiding. He's there.

And I’m just as guilty.

This winter has been hard. I have felt more alone than I remember feeling in a long time. I have felt forgotten, lost, confused, taken advantage of, and so tapped out as a mom that I know I haven’t been shining my own light.

Instead of resting on the truth that the Son is there, I have allowed myself to go off perception and believe lies.

“No one likes you.”

“You are only loved if you are useful.”

“Does it all really matter?”

“Do I even matter?”

But it does matter. I matter. YOU MATTER.

The Son is still there! We can’t give up hope just because of the clouds, the season, or the perceptions this world shows us.

‘Mr. Son, Son, Mr. Golden Son,’ will always be shining on us. We are His beloved! So do not be discouraged.

Take heart, and trust in The Son.


How have you been viewing The Son this winter? Have you perceived Him as hiding or guiding? I encourage you to pray RIGHT NOW to let God change your heart and clear your eyes to see that The Son is there even through the clouds.